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  • How long does it take to develop an automation and what is the typical cost?
    Based on our experience, a typical automation takes between 2 - 4 hours of development per system that is included in the automation. This does not include application development.
  • What is the difference between Bullhorn Automation and Exenai Automation as a Service?
    Bullhorn Automation is an industry leading product that you and your team have access to, that makes it easy for you to automate workflows, processes, and communication throughout the entire recruiting cycle. It focuses on the data in your Bullhorn database, allowing you to boost productivity, improve data health and enhance client and candidate communications. More information can be found on the Bullhorn website at Exenai is a bespoke managed service based on a third party platform called, which you do not have any direct access to, and everything is developed and managed for you by Exenai utilising composable building blocks. It focuses more on bringing together multiple systems, automating end-to-end processes across systems and providing apps to integrate stakeholders.
  • What does it cost to maintain and make any changes to my automations?
    Maintenance and basic changes are included within the monthly subscription fees based on automation objects, however any significant change to an automation would require you to draw down professional services time.
  • How quickly can you get Exenai managed automations up and running on my systems?
    Subject to the provisioning of API access, we can usually get started within 2-3 weeks from an initial discovery call. We start every project with a review of the use cases to ensure we clearly understand the objectives and to make sure that we are not recreating something that already exists. Once we have an agreed and approved list of automations, we can assign an automation engineer to start building out your automations for you.
  • Is Exenai Automation as a Service a competitive alternative to Bullhorn Automation?
    Absolutely not, as a Bullhorn parter we have designed this to be a complimentary service that can be used to extend your automations to include data that is either not supported by Bullhorn Automation yet, requires integration of third party systems, or requires some form of bespoke application. Exenai should never be considered an alternative, as you would miss out on all of the industry leading automations and core use cases that Bullhorn have and continue to invest in the innovation and development of.
  • How many automation objects do you typically need for an automation?
    Based on our experience, the average number of automation objects is approx. 12 per automation. Remember that you also need a user object for each of your active licensed users. Our objects are sold in packages, starting at 100 objects - further information on pricing can be provided on request.
  • What type of applications can Exenai build?
    It is possible to build any application on the Exenai platform and connect this into one or more automation projects and or systems, to deliver a single application experience to any internal or external users. Applications are natively responsive to support any device, including progressive web apps (pwa). Applications can also be embedded within Bullhorn ATS/CRM tabs, Invenias desktop web tabs and Salesforce. Exenai applications are able to support OAuth for Single Sign On, internally for your users or externally for your customers. Typically we would recommend using Okta Auth0 for external customer users, as this provides the most simple and secure sign on experience.
  • How do you charge for professional services and development?
    We charge for our services on a day rate, which is purchased in advance then we allow you to draw down time on an hourly basis.
  • How does AI work with the Exenai platform?
    The Exenai platform is able to integrate any third party services, including AI services like OpenAI ChatGPT. Typically we recommend that you use your own private instance of ChatGPT in Azure which is then charged directly to you on a transactional basis. You can also use this service for other tools and applications, such as Bullhorn co-pilot. If you are considering utilising Generative AI, then we recommend that you consider Bullhorn co-pilot, as this has been developed with recruitment specific use cases ready to go, rather then try to develop you own from scratch. More information can be found on the Bullhorn website at From and Exenai perspective, we typically utilise AI to replace traditional methods of identifying and mapping data to structured fields, instead of relying on manual processes and fixed mapping. For more information on OpenAI in Azure, please refer to the information on Microsoft's website.
  • How does Exenai Automation as a Service pricing work?
    Exenai Automation as a Service is provided on a monthly 'usage based' subscription plus professional services for development. Monthly subscription fees are based on the number of automation objects, which are a unit of measurement that we use to break down the complexity of an automation, user objects, which are required for each active user in your firm. You buy objects in blocks of 100 and the pricer per object reduces based on volume. Professional services are charged on a time are materials basis for all development work. For more information please refer to our pricing page and request a quote.
  • What systems does Exenai Automation as a Service work with?
    From a recruitment and executive search system perspective, Exenai only works with Bullhorn products - this includes Bullhorn ATS/CRM, Invenias by Bullhorn and Salesforce. Exenai does not work with any competitive products. Exenai can connect any other systems to Bullhorn products, either via an API or RPA technology.
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